1. Game Board
2. 50 memory verse cards
3. A game spinner
4. Game pieces
This game can be played by one person or as many people as possible or in teams.
1. Player 1 spins the spinner and counts the number shown on the spinner using one of the game pawns. The first player and all subsequent players begin counting from Genesis before passing the wheel to the next player.
2. Player 2 spins the spinner and counts from Genesis.
3. If a player counts into the space labeled “Pick a card,” the player takes the card from the “IN” box, reads it aloud to all the players, puts it face down on the “OUT” box, and then recites the Bible verse just read. If a player recites the verse correctly, the player spins the spinner again to leave the “pick a card” box before passing the spinner to the next player.
4. If a player fails to recite the Bible verse on the card correctly, the player loses a turn and passes the spinner to the next player.
5. The first player to move from Genesis to Revelation wins the game.
6. A player moves forward, or backward, or to specific books of the Bible as specified in the box that the player lands.